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The only Time to act for the greater good is now.
OverTime Concepts -because privacy and security matter.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A powerful movement toward serving the underserved

February 23, 2008 <> Jesse Loop


Is divorce and annulment somehow considered emotional violence to a child? http://huneesoinsane.blogsp... about 16 hours ago reply

Response from twitter question regarding detailed notions of the psychological ramifications of divorce and annulment.

There’s some level of "trauma" for kids in separated homes. but stability is complex and can't be determined unless the whole picture is considered.

The human process in general is very complex, psychological functioning and health come from stability and love, and the stability of love.

The nurturing of any individual, despite having differing effects at different age levels, is best achieved through a system of support and complementation.

Consider complementation as a form of the verb “complement,” meaning "mutually supplying each other's lack."

Other definitions exist, meaning to provide, 1, a: an expression of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration; especially : an admiring remark.

b: formal and respectful recognition : honor

2, plural : best wishes : regards

If these definitions are applied to the development of a child by its influencing peer and “support” group, and the natural process of nurture, we can see that not only the health of the child(ren) is affected, but that the nurturing process also offers a reciprocal role to the health and well-being of the adult(s) involved. To complement one another in health and wellness; in other words.

When we utilize this manner of approach, the mutual benefit to the child and the parent creates the ideal scenario of psychologically healthy individuals stemming from psychologically healthy individual interaction. This interaction is optimal, and actions, such as divorce, create influential emotional (and physical in some cases) reactions which can, and will, to varied extents, inflict harm.

Reaching from harm to violence is, again, a scaled situation (a spectrum) where the levels of the entire process are complicated, or has complications, due to the nature of its very complexity.

The judgment factor involved in determinations of levels of harm or, conversely, levels of…we’ll use “health,” (to represent the opposite of harm) is paramount, and should be made by a networked support group of professionally trained mentors and advocates.

This network of mentors and advocates would be, ideally, in a perfect world, provided as an intrinsic social service.

Unfortunately, this idyllic and perfect world cannot exist, as it would, as outlined above, require intrusions into the rights of privacy. Any world, having intrusion into the rights of privacy, will not meet the requisite requirements of a “perfect world.”

Finally, let us not, however, be dissuaded by the fact that divorce, for example, is going to have adverse effects on our overarching definition of “health.”

There is a silver lining.

This silver lining comes from the fact that while a bad thing won’t be made a good thing, simply by the good that comes of a bad thing, good will come of all things, even bad things.

It may be difficult to recognize, but in some respects, in some regards, and in some kind of way, whether apparent or not on the surface and in the moment, it will exist.

In sum, “that which does not kill us, only makes us stronger.”

We have recently been reviewing journalistic reflections published in the mainstream mass media that involved violence towards children, or perpetrated by children or young adults.






These reflections, if you will, underscore the need for social justice, equality and a powerful movement toward serving the underserved.

  • These are the omnipotent views and opinions of the author, and as such, are subject to copyright by the author. Please feel free to redistribute them widely, and give the credit to whom it is due.
  • "you're going to pay for your own ride..." -the author

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you know it is so funny that i have a 50-50 decision on whether i would take care of them or not. I mean 50% of me wants to because i love kids and i love playing with them, i also love making spaghetti with them, go to the park, watch movies and everything i guess but the other 50% of me says "what about yourself, Hunee?" The me who wants to travel, the me who wants to meet other people and might find one guy for future plans whatever, the me who wants adventure, the me and africa, the me and the long list that i want to do..... i don't see it at selfish, i don't know to other people's opinion. The ending is always me saying ok i'll do it because i can't close my heart to a child who needs and wants me to love them. it sucks big time for i have to set aside what i want to do for myself especially my own needs as well. I just don't want to reach the point wherein i am no longer on tract to my own dreams.

I once wrote a poem about me being a smiling always. I wrote: I live my life like a coin. I maybe seeing the bad situation right now but the other side of the coin brings good stuff for me. And I wouldn't pass a day without knowing what the other side has for me. Because I know both side will never be bad or good at the same time.

If they were my kids for real i wouldn't have these kind of feelings but they are not mine. Although they are not mine i guess i just have to take care of them or else when they grew up they might add to the headache of the society. If the kids won't feel they are loved they might grow old as one of the future criminals.

I don't know really...

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